Lesley Wood is a freelance creative and educational professional with more than 20 years’ in-depth experience of working across the creative, heritage, education and cultural sectors.
Lesley is an experienced project manager with specialist knowledge of cross sector work and skills development and has worked nationally as a consultant with many organisations providing support and training development in areas such as project management, skills development, professional practice, participatory practice and evaluation.
Lesley works with organisations of all sizes and across all sectors measuring impact & providing support on strategic development. Valuable experience as a practising artist, educationalist and project manager makes her well placed to understand how organisations and individuals can work individually and together.
“Over the last 3 years I have worked with Lesley in various ways, both as an artist delivering to students undertaking Arts Award and as an independent evaluator assessing the impact of an ongoing project taking place in our school. Her invaluable contribution has helped to shape both the ongoing project and our schools Artsmark journey.
The use of her ‘logic model’ helped shape not only our statement of commitment for Artsmark but the completion of our case study using the same process. We have just achieved Gold Artsmark and our focus on evaluation and impact, led by Lesley, was praised by the Arts Council assessors.”
Rachel Benson
(Director of Specialism)
Collingwood Media Arts College
Rachel Hamer is a freelance project manager, producer, facilitator and folk singer.
Rachel has worked on projects and large-scale events in organisations across Sunderland, Gateshead and Newcastle developing and delivering on arts, culture and health and wellbeing projects whilst developing her work with young people and delivering Arts Awards.
Currently she is working as Young People and Community Producer at Sunderland Culture as well as other freelance roles.
Rachel is experienced in work with young people supporting them to develop their leadership skills and to plan and deliver their own events. She loves working with young people on projects that offer real meaningful opportunities for them to learn and share their skills and to have their voices heard. She values the importance of consultation and the involvement of young people in key decision making processes.
Rachel believes in meaningful ambitious opportunities for young people to take a lead to share their wonderful ideas and make a difference to the world around them whilst developing their own skills.